Your Relocation Expert
When you're moving to a completely new area, a relocation specialist can help cut your stress and anxiety immeasurably. Mike Tade understands that there's much more to a big move than packing your belongings and filing a change of address form with the post office. New job responsibilities, family commitments, and finding your new home can be somewhat daunting, but he is an expert on the ins and outs of relocating and can provide support and guidance to you each step of the way. Mike has an elevated level of expertise, as well as special experience and perspective in the Bend real estate market and the nuances of each distinct Bend neighborhood.
Past Experience
Prior to his successful career in real estate, Mike worked as a contractor specializing in custom remodels and outside living spaces. He can visualize and communicate design ideas that can help buyers see multiple possibilities outside of the existing floor plan. For sellers he can use his design background to help ensure your home sells for the highest rate of return.